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How to Set Up a Beautiful Champagne Tower for Your Wedding

A champagne tower will draw the eyes of your guests and it also offers an interactive experience for the wedding as well. There is a touch of glamour and this is also an exciting photo opportunity for the couple.

There are many things to consider when selecting an Ivory Heart champagne tower and one important element is choosing the right glassware for it. There are champagne flutes that are specially designed for this. And you need to make sure the glasses used have the same exact size and shape so that a stable tower can be created. Choosing the same glassware will also help you maintain uniformity when it comes to appearance. You can ask some décor for hire companies whether they offer champagne tower glasses and whether they will be able to come set it up. This will take a lot of responsibility out of your hands so that you are free to plan the rest of the wedding. The company will have a lot of experience so that they can create a professional tower. Another thing you should decide when having a champagne tower at the wedding is the number of glasses needed for this. You have to think of the height that is adequate for this. Also, keep in mind, that when the height increases, the amount of champagne you need to pour also increases. And you need to fill each glass properly with champagne.

Make sure to have a few extra glasses on hand

In case some of the champagne spills or if there is breakage. There has to be a sturdy base for the champagne tower. You can choose either a circular or square table for this. But the table has to be stable and level so that it doesn’t wobble. Even the slightest wobble can cause the tower to topple so it is very important to take all precautions to prevent this. The champagne tower can be built by setting the champagne flutes in a pyramid shape. There has to be a solid foundation of glasses. The base for this can be a square or circle. The second layer of glasses has to be positioned above the gaps that are in the bottom layer. You need to carefully build up the layers and in each layer you go up, the number of champagne glasses will decrease. And you need to make sure there is a smooth progression and a seamless flow from the bottom to the top when it comes to the tower.

It is important to be patient when building this tower.

And when you are hiring the champagne glasses, you can have the décor hire company assemble it themselves so that a professional tower can be erected. The glasses have to be aligned properly and there has to be sufficient time taken for the process so that it is not built in a rush. If you are assembling this on your own, you will need to practice this and rehearse it before the big day so that you have a better idea about the process. You will have a good idea of what adjustments need to be made and with practice, you will be more confident in recreating the tower on the day of the wedding.

the authorTaniaRosa