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Advantages of Drinking Filtered Water

Tap water can definitely be improved and this can be done by installing water filters in your home. This will improve the taste and smell of drinking water. Generally, tap water has good standards but due to chlorination, the taste and smell of water are affected. And there is a possibility of impurities being in the water. You need to test your home water to get an idea of its cleanliness.

While you can rely on bottled water, this is not a good solution as you are contributing to environmental pollution by constantly purchasing plastic and throwing it away. And this can also be a more expensive method. With a zip water filter installation, there is the initial cost for the filter and installation along with routine filter replacements. In the long run, installing a filter is cheaper than drinking bottled water. There are so many benefits you can gain from installing a water filter, the first being removing the chemical odour from tap water. This instantly makes drinking water more palatable. And without these additional smells, you will be more inclined to hydrate yourself throughout the day without balking at the odour. You can also use alkaline filters to improve the mineral composition of your tap water. This will improve its pH and it will be healthier for you than just consuming normal tap water.

When you consume water with improved mineral content, it can improve your digestion as well. With alkaline water filters, you can also reduce acid reflux. The alkaline water will neutralise the acid that is building up in your stomach. Chlorine is generally used to treat water in many countries. It can remove diseases and bacteria from the water. However, as discussed above, the chlorine gives it an unpleasant odour. While it is safe to drink, it does not provide a good experience. But even trace amounts of chlorine that may pose a risk to your health. There are certain studies that have found a link between cancer and chlorinated drinking water. Further testing is needed for this but it is recommended to avoid chlorinated drinking water if at all possible.

You will be able to reduce your plastic footprint as you are not using bottled water any longer. You can simply use a reusable bottle that you can refill when you are going out of the house. It is very important that everyone do what they can to protect the environment. When you buy drinking bottles, you are contributing to the industry. This keeps the demand high which means there will be a lot of energy spent on producing plastic bottles adding to the pollution created by the plastic itself. There can be heavy metals in your drinking water and you will only know of this occurrence if you test your home water. Most of the time, these will be found in small concentrations but regular consumption of water with these trace heavy metals can pose a risk to your health. One of these heavy metals is lead which gives rise to many health problems including issues of the reproductive system.

the authorTaniaRosa