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Different Types of Dental Restoration

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to keep the teeth and gums healthy. From regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the dentist, you can keep your teeth healthy and at their optimum condition. However, there are times when your teeth get damaged unexpectedly – from chipped, broken, and even losing some of your tooth.

There are plenty of reason why teeth get damaged no matter how hard we took care of it. When this happens, you might worry about the look of your smile and it could even affect one’s confidence level depending on the extent of the problem.

Luckily, you can still get back your perfect smile with the help of your dentist through restorative dentistry. This type of dentistry focuses on repairing or replacing damaged teeth. The main goal of this is to bring back the normal chewing function and give the patient a beautiful smile again.

Here are some of the common procedures used in restorative dentistry.

Dental Fillings

Dental cavities are formed when bacteria in the mouth eats away the tooth enamel and causes a hole on the tooth. While the cavities are still small, you can still fix it by getting dental fillings. The decayed part of the tooth will be removed and the hole is filled in with a composite material to stop the progress of decay and keep your tooth intact. You can get dental fillings from your local clinic offering dental practice Townsville has some few good clinics you could trust.

Dental Crowns

For larger cavities or broken teeth, the dentist can cover up the damage and bring back the beauty of your smile with the help of dental crowns. A dental crown fits over the entire tooth and serves as the new surface of your teeth, making it look more aesthetically pleasing. The natural tooth enamel will be shaved down a little bit before placing a crown over it and adhere it to the real tooth underneath.

Dental Implants

If you have one or more missing tooth, you can still fill in those gaps through dental implants. A small metal post is implanted into the jawbone where a tooth is missing and serves as the base for the false teeth to be attached.

After some healing time, a crown will be added into the post to make it look and function like real teeth. It is one of the best restorative procedures for those who have missing teeth since it also helps prevent gum atrophy by providing adequate stimulation to the gum parts.

Dental Bridges

If you have a row of missing teeth, a dental bridge is the perfect solution. A dental bridge has dental crowns on both ends which would be attached to the remaining natural teeth. The gap in between will be filled in by artificial teeth that are held together by the crowns on both ends.

Having damaged or missing teeth is not a huge problem nowadays. There are already plenty of dental procedures available to solve each dental issue and restore the beauty of your smile.

the authorTaniaRosa