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Increasing The Efficiency and Output of Your Solar Panels

Making the move to use a solar system for your home is expensive and not all could afford it. However, since it is an investment that keeps on giving, you should still consider making the change. Since not all solar panels operate equally well in all conditions, but you can improve the efficiency and output of your solar system layout or array by taking proactive measures.

You can get the most out of your solar investment by following a few simple steps. Maximizing the output of your solar panels could help save you money since you could qualify for utility rebates and even green energy grants.

Remove any shades

Solar panels perform best when they are exposed to direct sunshine. Your solar panel would not perform efficiently if the sun is blocked by a tree or other structure. Shade is harmful for solar panels since the output of the entire solar system installation may be reduced. Trees should be pruned or removed from the area. If trees or structure cannot be removed, try to place the solar panels in unshaded areas.

Hire a professional

If solar panels are not installed properly, they won’t receive as much sunshine as they should and will produce less electricity. Professionals would install the panels based on orientation and angle. Solar panels should be positioned at an angle of 18 to 36 degrees for extreme sunlight exposure. If you live in the northern hemisphere, the panels would be installed facing south and if you are in the southern hemisphere, the panels would be installed facing north.

Install the panels facing the sun

When solar panels are facing the sun directly, they create the most energy. Panels that receive the most direct sunlight throughout the day will have the maximum potential output. The goal is to generate as much power as possible at all times of the day. Fortunately, if you’re looking forsolar panels Perth has some of the best stores that offer them. It is also considered to be the “hottest capital city in Australia”.

Keep it dust free

Dust can build up on your solar panels over time which negatively affects its performance. Dust build-up can lower your panel’s performance by as much as 7%. Cleaning the panels is fortunately simple since rinsing them with a garden hose would get the job done. However, if dirt and grime already accumulated, the panels may require scrubbing with a soft brush.

When picking a place for the installation of the panels, think about how easy it will be to clean it on a regular basis. Since installing them on the roof would be the most ideal for sun exposure, think about how you would clean the panels. Would you be able to climb your roof every time the panels need cleaning? Or are there any local professionals available to clean it for you?

Solar power tax refunds

Since solar power is environmentally friendly, the government grants tax credits and rebates. Incentives for new installations may be available from your local government. Incentives might even help you save more money up front.

Solar panels are being used by more homeowners to save money and reduce environmental effect. Solar panels on the other hand, will likely not attain maximum efficiency in terms of electricity output if they are not installed, maintained, and monitored properly. Hopefully, the above-mentioned suggestions should assist you in increasing the efficiency of your solar panels.

the authorTaniaRosa